meetings graphic

You work hard to produce successful virtual, hybrid, or in-person meetings—then what? What happens to all those assets (recordings, posters, transcripts, proceedings) after the meeting? Instead of relegating them to an archive or posting them on a separate platform from your research, give that content the same first-class treatment as books and journals, with access control, related content linking, and the ability to bundle them for sales.

Leveraging the strengths and robust features of the Silverchair Platform, associations, societies, and publishers can also enrich, organize, distribute, and monetize scholarly and professional conference content. 

Hannah Heckner
Our goal is to serve our publishers through as much of the research content lifecycle as possible—delivering and optimizing discovery for the valuable outputs of academics meetings is a natural extension of the platform's capabilities.

—Hannah Heckner, VP, Strategic Partnerships

With the Silverchair Platform, you can:

  • Make audio and video files, presentation slides, posters, proceedings, transcripts, handouts, meeting programs, and all associated metadata, first-class content objects
  • Organize, enrich, productize, sell, distribute, and analyze meeting content, including linking it to other research content, such as journal articles, book chapters, learning objects, or reference material
  • Enjoy robust access control and commerce capabilities
  • Create content alerts, promotional emails, and list-captures
  • Leverage analytics, allowing publishers to investigate their content, its usage, and trends
  • Employ multi-level branding and numerous ways to organize meeting content
  • Curate or use dynamic queries to build topical collections
  • Give users compelling ways to discover, engage with, and share meeting content
conference session with hands raised
Content Trends graphic

Related resource

In the November 2022 Platform Strategies webinar on content trends, panelists discussed publishers’ unique opportunity to capture even more of the research lifecycle, building their brand and unifying their content. Delivering these assets in an enriched, first-class experience means not only developing technology support, but also business models and workflows.

Ready to learn more?

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