Silverchair is pleased to announce that the Silverchair Platform has achieved ISO 27001 certification, an important milestone in our commitment to information security. This certification is an internationally recognized standard for managing information security and demonstrates our continued dedication to keeping our clients’ data secure.

The process of becoming ISO 27001 certified was rigorous. It involved a comprehensive review of our Information Security Management System (ISMS) processes, security practices, and the implementation of various controls to safeguard data. It touches every aspect of the business, from technology and processes, to the Development Teams and PeopleOps, and everything in-between.

This certification is more than a one-time event; it is part of an ongoing commitment to security that is ingrained in our company culture. It requires continuous monitoring and improvement of our ISMS, ensuring that we not only maintain our current level of security but also strive to enhance it wherever possible.

In addition to the ISO certification, we recently amplified our efforts to improve bot mitigation and fortify our application security with the adoption of Cloudflare’s security and performance portfolio. Cloudflare’s offering is designed to block an immense volume of malicious traffic and to allow our security team to establish powerful, customized rules catering to client-specific security requirements. These efforts complement existing bot control measures, HECVAT standards, PCI compliance, and more.

In essence, our mission at Silverchair is to provide our publishers with a safe space so they can focus on fulfilling their missions and amplifying the reach and impact of academic and scholarly publishing. With this new standard added to our existing, extensive security protections, we are ensuring that our clients can focus on achieving their unique goals. We will continue to work to not just detect but predict emerging threats and craft targeted solutions.

We encourage our clients and partners to reach out if they have any questions about our security practices or how we safeguard their information. At Silverchair, we are committed to not just meeting but exceeding the standards for information security.


Read more about Silverchair’s security framework here.


Robb Burgess is Silverchair’s VP of Technical & Security Operations and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

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