Thursday, June 27  •  10am-4pm  •  Lunch provided & drink reception to follow  •   25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin, Freiraum Room

Satellite event: encoding scholarly publishing for AI

Join Silverchair and others for a one-day, discussion-heavy meeting with publishers, librarians, academic researchers, technology partners, and others interested by the intersection of artificial intelligence and scholarly publishing. 

As we begin to encounter the jagged edges of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Large Language Model (LLMs) in our space, we need to think through key challenges in applying these techniques or technologies in scholarly publishing. This meeting is designed to tackle this topic and more.

Tentative agenda:

  • 10:00  - Coffee and getting settled
  • 10:30 – 10:45 - Welcome and introductions (Will Schweitzer, Silverchair)
  • 10:45 – 12:00 - Inspiration for the day: Lightning demonstrations of GenAI features or products in scholarly publishing or adjacent markets. Moderated by Philipp Hess (Research Gate) with demonstrations by:
    • Silverchair AI Playground (Jeremy Little)
    • Cactus Communications (Chris Leonard)
    • Knowledge Gate Group (Viktoriya Vasilenko)
  • 12:00 – 13:30 - Lunch (at Neni - 10th floor)
  • 13:30 – 14:15 - Discussion one: What ethical rules and normative practices do we need to encode in generative AI features or products (Introduced by Christian Kohl, PLOS; moderated by Will Schweitzer, Silverchair)
  • 14:15 – 14:30 - Coffee break (Monkey Island)
  • 14:30 – 15:15 - Discussion two: Given the inherent limitations of GenAI, and cost to quality tradeoffs, how do we determine when a product or feature is good enough to release (Introduced by Stuart Leitch, Silverchair; moderated by Craig Griffin, Silverchair)
  • 15:15 – 15:45 - Discussion three: Practical advice for getting started – what should organizations think about? (Introduced by Viktoriya Vasilenko, Knowledge Gate Group; and Julien Jukema, Anywyse; moderated by Philipp Hess, Research Gate)
  • 15:45 – 16:00 - Wrap up (Will Schweitzer, Silverchair)
  • 16:00 - Drinks and networking (The Monkey Bar - 10th floor)

  • Lightning demonstrations: Organizations will be given 10-minutes for a short presentation on their product/service and will be asked to explain how they're leveraging AI, and one thing they've learned from applying AI technologies (a pro-tip)
  • Each discussion topic to be introduced by a speaker provide a general overview of the problem statement and notable examples. Following the introduction, a moderator will facilitate a broad discussion.
Goals & Takeaways:

    • Facilitate an “expert-led” discussion to help attendees work through the opportunities, challenges, and use cases for AI in scholarly publishing
    • Inform publishers of existing or potential GenAI capabilities to fuel further ideation
    • Validate existing assumptions, use cases, and considerations to assist in industry-led product innovation
    • Attendees will leave more informed, more engaged with others in the space, and with ideas and possible pathways to support their own innovation


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